How to Raise Your Web Design Fees – Charge What You’re Worth and GET IT!

In these times where anyone can set up their own WordPress website and overseas freelancers are undercutting rates, it’s easy to doubt whether you can charge enough or find enough clients to make a living.

Maybe you’ve raised your fees, but find yourself giving discounts or doing a lot of extra work for free. Maybe you know you need to raise your rates to support yourself and your family, but can’t get yourself to do it.

The truth is there are two components to having a highly successful web design business. You have to do the “outer” work of setting up the best systems, knowing the best tools to use, marketing your services, and, of course, developing strong design skills. These are the mechanics of a successful web design business.

At the same time, you must address the “inner” side of a being a successful business owner – overcoming the internal barriers and limiting beliefs that hold you back. Raising your fees, and having clients be excited to pay them, requires a transformation in the way you think about yourself, your business, your clients, and the true value you provide.

In this session we’ll discuss the five critical elements every web designer must deal with in order to raise their fees confidently and successfully. I’ll share the inside scoop about what really happens when you raise your fees, plus let you in on some secrets to solving the question of value in the minds of your clients.

This session is specifically for web designers building a business (or wanting to) using WordPress as the cornerstone.

Speaker: Nina East
Track: Power Users